MS Stuco: Kierstyn Blaufuss,Ely Burroughs,Nash Cardell,Jacey Clancy, Taryn Compton,Emma Cubit,Kaden Krone,Chrome McCleary,Lily Meyer,Lucas Patterson,Bailey Roehl,Nicholas Schultze,and AnneLeese Thao.
The Middle School cross-country team had a great meet yesterday. Check out the news feed on the website to see individual results.
The Middle School volleyball and football teams played great last night against Chase County. What a way to represent Central Heights. Keep up the hard work.
The Middle School held their first STRIPES assembly today. STRIPES stands for service, trust, respect, integrity, pride, excellence, and self-discipline. Congrats students for showing your STRIPES!
Team work has relaxing rewards! Or at least, in this case, it will. The STEAM class is working towards their life-sized hammock being finished tomorrow.
Show Your Team Spirit and Help the Cheerleaders!
Get Fired Up for Football!!!
Our football boys are ready to take on Chase County.
Mark Lee signing up to be a Watch D.O.G. with his son Connor at the Kickoff on Aug. 29.
Tomorrow MS football game directions are: from HWY 50 in Strong City, turn left on Hwy 177(by a Catholic Church). Follow HWY 177 to Cottonwood, turn left past the Casey's you will see a parking lot.
Last work day for STEAM on their hammock prototypes. Everyone is working hard!
The middle school volleyball game tomorrow will be at 410 Palmer in Strong City.
Are you interested in a fall fundamental baseball clinic.
Biological Engineering got to dissect hearts today in Stinebaugh's room in preparation for their team builds of a replacement heart valve starting tomorrow.
Technology doesn't always mean using a computer. The S.T.E.A.M. class had to take a step back and learn to thread a needle and sew simple stitches before they could proceed to their tasks of making miniature hammocks.
Writing on desks used to get students in trouble. Not anymore! Mrs. Kinyon encourages the sophomores to write on their desks to collaborate.
Mr. Welch's Leadership class went to play with the Kindergarten this morning.
Mr. Winkleman's 2nd hour STEM class created games for Mrs.Lickteig's 3rd grade class to play.
English 11 students put on their history goggles to learn about the American colonies.
Rainbowing can be a contact sport! Matt fought bravely against a tough grammatical foe!