Central Heights falls to Humbolt to conclude the football season

Halloween Fun! Parties are all completed and Mrs. Collins is still smiling! What a great day to be a Viking!

We want to make sure our Viking Voice is heard! Check out the latest edition of The Viking Voice Fall Newsletter which has important information about the upcoming Board of Education vote!

Everyone be safe tonight. Remember there will be no school tomorrow we will see everyone on Monday!

Where is Raggedy Andy?

The Good, The "Chad", and The Ugly

The Halloween parties are in full swing!

The Three Blind Mice somehow managed to make their way down the hallway to lead the Spook Parade this afternoon. Everyone looked great!

5th Grade Principal's Honor Roll Lunch. Thank you,
Mrs. Collins!

Happy Halloween!

Our awesome custodians dress up for Halloween!

4th grade is Escaping Zombies!

Free Movie for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders from CHES!

Here are the costume contest winners from the Middle School Halloween Dance tonight! Congrats to all! There were so many great costumes! Also, a huge "THANK YOU!" to the CHMS StuCo and Mrs. Brown for doing an amazing job with the dance! #GoodTimesAtCHMS

1st grade field trip fun!!

Middle School Trunk or Treat scary area!

Middle School Trunk or Treat booth!

Having fun at the middle school dance! CHMS ROCKS!!!!!!

Hunters Safety Class loving this snow!! Oh yeah!!

Fourth grade students have a story with liverwurst mentioned. Many students have never heard of it before and ask what it is. Today they got to sample if they chose!