CELEBRATE GRANDPARENTS' DAY AT CENTRAL HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY! THERE IS A COME-and-GO RECEPTION FROM 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. ON SEPTEMBER 8. The children will be called from their classrooms to meet their grandparents in the Multi-Purpose Room.
over 7 years ago, Ann Collins
Who says school only happens Monday through Friday? Leaf collecting at Melvern Lake on Saturday with Mrs. Stinebaugh.
over 7 years ago, Amanda Stinebaugh
The Middle School Band joined the High School Band at tonight's football game! Talk about Viking Pride! LET'S GO CHS!
over 7 years ago, Joshua Finch
MS Stuco: Kierstyn Blaufuss,Ely Burroughs,Nash Cardell,Jacey Clancy, Taryn Compton,Emma Cubit,Kaden Krone,Chrome McCleary,Lily Meyer,Lucas Patterson,Bailey Roehl,Nicholas Schultze,and AnneLeese Thao.
over 7 years ago, Kim Kraft
The Middle School cross-country team had a great meet yesterday. Check out the news feed on the website to see individual results.
over 7 years ago, Kim Kraft
The Middle School volleyball and football teams played great last night against Chase County. What a way to represent Central Heights. Keep up the hard work.
over 7 years ago, Kim Kraft
The Middle School held their first STRIPES assembly today. STRIPES stands for service, trust, respect, integrity, pride, excellence, and self-discipline. Congrats students for showing your STRIPES!
over 7 years ago, Kim Kraft
Team work has relaxing rewards! Or at least, in this case, it will. The STEAM class is working towards their life-sized hammock being finished tomorrow.
over 7 years ago, Amanda Stinebaugh
Show Your Team Spirit and Help the Cheerleaders!
over 7 years ago, Katie Riemer
Get Fired Up for Football!!!
over 7 years ago, Katie Riemer
Our football boys are ready to take on Chase County.
over 7 years ago, Kim Kraft
Mark Lee signing up to be a Watch D.O.G. with his son Connor at the Kickoff on Aug. 29.
over 7 years ago, Ann Collins
Tomorrow MS football game directions are: from HWY 50 in Strong City, turn left on Hwy 177(by a Catholic Church). Follow HWY 177 to Cottonwood, turn left past the Casey's you will see a parking lot.
over 7 years ago, Kim Kraft
Last work day for STEAM on their hammock prototypes. Everyone is working hard!
over 7 years ago, Amanda Stinebaugh
The middle school volleyball game tomorrow will be at 410 Palmer in Strong City.
over 7 years ago, Kim Kraft
Are you interested in a fall fundamental baseball clinic.
over 7 years ago, Kim Kraft
Biological Engineering got to dissect hearts today in Stinebaugh's room in preparation for their team builds of a replacement heart valve starting tomorrow.
over 7 years ago, Amanda Stinebaugh
Technology doesn't always mean using a computer. The S.T.E.A.M. class had to take a step back and learn to thread a needle and sew simple stitches before they could proceed to their tasks of making miniature hammocks.
over 7 years ago, Amanda Stinebaugh
Writing on desks used to get students in trouble. Not anymore! Mrs. Kinyon encourages the sophomores to write on their desks to collaborate.
over 7 years ago, Amanda Stinebaugh
Mr. Welch's Leadership class went to play with the Kindergarten this morning.
over 7 years ago, Kim Kraft