Middle school football up 24-0 at halftime!

Middle school girls varsity volleyball loses 12-15

Middle school girls volleyball lose game 2 25-22 going to game 3 again!

Varsity girls middle school volleyball wins game 1 25-21

Girls lose in 3 15-13

16-25 lost first game won 2nd game 25-21

Middle school volleyball varsity splits first two games going to third game!

Don't miss your chance to take some sweet pictures at the middle school games today with the newspaper staff! Find Matt Williams by the concessions or gates. He'll have the camera. If you take one with your camera, TAG US! 💙💛🏈🏐💛💙 @almightyikenews You might wind-up on our website!

Students, don't forget to get Your Pep Club shirt! Pay your dues and buy a shirt = getting into home games FREE! Orders are due tomorrow.

3rd grade students working on a PBL in Mrs. Lickteig's class today. They've spent 2 weeks learning about levels of government, The Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments. They now get to create a project. Some are doing Power Points, some posters, and game boards.

Have you checked out the new, student-led news site from the middle school? You can even take a guess on our "Select the Staffer" page! https://sites.google.com/usd288.org/almightyikenews

Morning weights from Mr. Oestreicher’s class was working hard today!

Middle School play people are prepping the props! Mark your calendars for Ms. Dunn's drama club's latest production!

The Viking yearbook staff are taking orders.... Students can pick up order forms from Mr. Huber or you can order online at www.jostensyearbooks.com . Order by Oct.19 and you can add icons to your cover for free (normally $3.50 each) .

Hunters safety kids making duck and goose jerky, it will be ready tomorrow!

Good to see the Viking Band Marching

Dazzlers performing at halftime.

Do you have a CHHS Junior or Senior? Join Mrs. Oram for our Financial Nights!

Presten displays the Lego figures he built. Maybe a future aeronautics engineer?

Jordy, "not again"!
She does love her chocolate!