CH Homecoming Parade at Rantoul, Oct. 3, 2018
over 6 years ago, Ann Collins
The ALICE Training in the middle school, provided by the Franklin County Sheriff's Dept and Ottawa PD, was awesome! The students learned life-saving skills, worked together, and had a blast.
over 6 years ago, Michelle Smith
Face painting for homecoming!
over 6 years ago, Katie Riemer
CHHS JV Football @ West Franklin...CHHS WINS!! 48-0
over 6 years ago, Bob Risch
Kamryn Stinebaugh, age 17, presented to all Biology students on the importance of studying Entomology (insects) and labeling / pinning procedures. Kamryn has been collecting insects for 11 years and was voted Miss 4-H this past summer.
over 6 years ago, High School
Demonstrating pinning procedures
Students viewing one of her displays.
One of the three displays Kamryn brought to show
PowerPoint presentation
Mrs. Stinebaugh's class is learning how to fly a drone.
over 6 years ago, High School
There is a water boil advisory for the area around the school. If possible please send a bottle or two of drinking water with students to school tomorrow. Thank you for your help. (You should have received a phone call if you have a student in school. If you didn’t receive a call please contact the school to update or confirm your contact number.)
over 6 years ago, Brian Spencer
Breakfast with football players and cheerleaders.
over 6 years ago, Katie Riemer
Cheerleaders welcoming students for student appreciation week.
over 6 years ago, Katie Riemer
Kindergarten learning about Johnny Appleseed.
over 6 years ago, Katie Riemer
Viking Pride Work Day! Thanks to all who came to spruce up the Elementary Playground on September 29.
over 6 years ago, Ann Collins
work day
work day
work day
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads OF Great Students) Program at CHES. Please call Mrs. Cutburth or Mrs. Douglas to schedule a visit!
over 6 years ago, Ann Collins
watch dogs
Central Heights Homecoming Spirit Week Oct. 1 - 5 Battle Ready - Show your Spirit Monday, Oct. 1 G.I. Joe/Army/Green Dress up as the men and women who battle for our freedom! Tuesday, Oct. 2 Blue and Gold Wear your Blue and Gold to support our ladies as they battle on the volleyball court! Wednesday, Oct. 3 Viking Warrior/Purpose Dress as a Viking Warrior Thursday, Oct. 4 Superhero/Red Dress as your favorite Superhero battling their worst villain Friday, October 5 Go all out in PINK to support the battle against breast cancer. (hats may not be worn during the week)
over 6 years ago, Ann Collins
Student Appreciation Week, day 5...a staff talent show!!! Oh the talents they have!
over 6 years ago, Stephanie Cutburth
Funny chef!
Everybody do the chicken dance!
Taylor Swift, live!
Granny dancers!
Root beer floats were served by the middle school STUCO at lunch for #StudentAppreciationWeek! Thanks, STUCO and Mrs. Brown!!
over 6 years ago, Michelle Smith
Varsity Boys 5K (55 runners) ­ Team ­ 1st Place 1st ­ Tyler Stevenson (17:52) 6th ­ Caleb Meyer (18:49) 7th ­ Bryce Sommer (19:02) 8th ­ Jarod Crawford (19:07) 11th ­ Mason McCurry (19:14) 16th ­ Luke Cotter (19:28) Varsity Girls 5K (37 runners) 3rd ­ Lily Meyer (21:27) 9th ­ Madison Bridges (22:10) 14th ­ Taryn Compton (22:44) JV Boys/Girls 5K (88 runner) 1st ­ David Craft (19:34) 28th ­ Rylee McCurry (30:10) 7th Grade Girls 2 Mile (33 runners) 1st ­ Emma Cubit (13:52) 2nd ­ Melaney Chrisjohn (13:55) 3rd ­ Kaylee Holstine (14:01) 17th ­ Laya Roll (17:55) 7th Grade Boys 2 Mile (26 runners) 1st ­ Connor Burkdoll (13:10) 5th ­ Dakota Burnett (13:50) 6th ­ Owen Miller (13:51) 8th ­ Jotham Meyer (14:04)
over 6 years ago, Central Heights USD
College Biology is embracing the Arts (and the Fall Season) to learn about Cell Organelles.
over 6 years ago, High School
Ryder, Austin, Abby
Results of 7th grade boys middle school cross country: Connor Burkdoll 1st, Dakota Burnett 5th, Owen Miller 6th, Jotham Meyer 8th. Great job boys!
over 6 years ago, Jason Brown
Results of middle school cross country 7th grade girls 2 mile: Emma Cubit 1st place, Melany Chrisjohn 2nd, Kaylee Holstine 3rd, Layla Roll 17th. Great job Girls!
over 6 years ago, Jason Brown
Central Heights middle school hosted their meet tonight. Not sure of exact places, but several runners in the top 10 for both boys and girls! Great job Viking runners!
over 6 years ago, Jason Brown